Metahero Generative Identity #1
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Metahero Generative Identities are a work of code-as-art. Rather than the usual format of large-volume profile picture collections--in which generative algorithms are run thousands of times, sorted through, and then curated and assigned to mint numbers--Metahero Generative Identities are truly generated at the time of mint. This requires a much more painstaking design of the generative algorithm, as there are no second chances to throw out poor renderings, mismatched traits and other undesirable qualities. Metaheroes were a daring technological innovation--simultaneously a profile picture collection and generative art--a feat that few projects have tried to replicate since.
The first Generative Identity born into the Metahero Universe, Metahero #1 was born on September 5th 2021. She wears the Red Waves hair trait from the Warp Core Identity, the gold base from Karat, Sheath's suit and Lone's shotgun, originates from Neptune, and calls the Founder's DAO vault her home.
The Core Identities whose traits MH#1 are built from are below: